The voices of the incarcerated youth within the system have been silenced, diminished, and have gone unheard for far too long.
Make A Donation.
The Youth Will Be All Write is a social justice initiative created to amplify the voices of institutionalized and incarcerated youth nationwide via the donation of composition notebooks. Notebooks not only act as outlets for self expression, but also as a form of rehabilitation. With an evident positive correlation between creative writing and those who partake in these actions, it is proven that after utilizing these outlets the majority will hold an improved mental state, an advanced social skill set, and undergo a therapeutic healing process. Aid me in ensuring that: The Youth Will Be All Write.
The Process…
I’m a social justice advocate who champions the advancement of the youth and reform within the criminal justice system. I have a hunger and passion for justice, which drives me to fight for the underprivileged and unrecognized by utilizing my platform to consciously spread the message of mass incarceration, the school-to-prison pipeline, racial profiling, cash bail, systemic racism, and more. This, paired with my unyielding dedication for the betterment of the youth, has allowed me to donate over 1,000 notebooks, hit 13 juvenile detention centers, explore 5 states, and organically growing and be afforded the opportunity to ensure that:
The Youth Will Be All Write.
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